Thesis and diploma work: Bachelor's or Master's thesis

Are you approaching the end of your studies, with only your thesis left to write? Would you like to finish your degree on an interesting real-world topic?

We can offer thesis topics and final-year assignments, principally in technical fields, for students of the following disciplines:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Technology

The thesis topics always involve real-word applications, and the results will be streamed into our ongoing projects and plans. Your university or college is responsible for approving your thesis topic.

Students interested in writing a thesis at Kaeser should apply no later than 4 months before the work is due officially to start. To do so, simply submit the usual application documents to us.

Our contact person for interships is:
Yvonne Heinz
Tel.: 09641 640-0